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Self Healer Blueprint : 24 Months

Self Healer Blueprint : 24 Months

Regular price $14,400.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14,400.00 USD
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Two-Year Holistic Exploration: A Deep Dive into Cosmic Consciousness

Embark on a transformative two-year exploration that transcends the boundaries of traditional healing modalities. This holistic journey invites you to delve into the cosmic consciousness, aligning with the frequencies of the 5D New Earth. Beyond healing, this mentorship is an invitation to become a cosmic conduit, channeling energies that bridge the earthly and celestial realms.

What Awaits You:

๐Ÿ”ฎ Extended Mastery Toolkit Continues: The journey deepens with an extended toolkit, encompassing esoteric wisdom and cosmic insights. These tools become your allies as you navigate the multidimensional aspects of self and guide others on their cosmic journey.

๐ŸŒŸ Akashic Record Reader and Clearer Certification: Become an Akashic Record reader and clearer, unlocking the sacred knowledge of your soul's journey. This certification empowers you to access the Akashic Records, providing profound insights into past experiences, present challenges, and future potentials.

๐ŸŒ€ Energetic Blueprint Alignment: Explore the blueprint of your existence, aligning with your energetic signature. Learn to decode and realign your energetic imprints, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth. This exploration sets the stage for a profound cosmic metamorphosis.

๐ŸŒŒ Guided Cosmic Integration: Navigate the realms of cosmic consciousness, integrating the higher-dimensional frequencies into your earthly experience. Embrace a guided cosmic integration that harmonizes your existence with the evolving energies of the New Earth.

๐Ÿš€ Quantum Leap into Your Future Self: Take a quantum leap into the future as you embrace the transformative energies of this mentorship. Your future self becomes a guiding force, paving the way for your evolutionary journey and offering insights into the unfolding cosmic plan.

๐ŸŒ  Receive a Personal Akashic Record Reading and Clearing: As a participant in this two-year exploration, receive a complimentary Akashic Record reading and clearing. This personalized session provides targeted insights, allowing you to navigate the cosmic currents with clarity and purpose.

๐ŸŒˆ Bridging Earthly Realms with Cosmic Frequencies: This mentorship focuses on bridging the earthly realms with cosmic frequencies. You become a conduit for cosmic energies, radiating light into the collective consciousness. Embody your cosmic self and contribute to the awakening of humanity.

๐ŸŒŸ Adapt and Brand Cosmic Tools: All the tools, resources, and techniques provided are not only for personal transformation but are adaptable for branding into your own unique offerings. Forge your space in the New Earth paradigm, creating a legacy that aligns with the cosmic blueprint.

๐ŸŒŒ Extended Deep Dive and Ascension: This two-year journey allows for an extended exploration, facilitating deep dives into the layers of your consciousness. Ascend gradually, unraveling the mysteries of your soul and aligning with higher frequencies.

๐Ÿš€ Reiki Practitioner, Breath Coach, and Akashic Record Reader Certification: Elevate your spiritual mastery by becoming certified in Reiki, Breath Coaching, and Akashic Record Reading. These certifications expand your toolkit, enabling you to navigate diverse aspects of healing and ascension.

๐ŸŒŸ Comprehensive Mastery Across Dimensions: Attain comprehensive mastery across multiple dimensionsโ€”mind, body, spirit, and the Akashic Records. This transformative journey integrates practices that lead to holistic mastery, fostering balance and harmony.

๐Ÿ’ก Empowerment Through Triple Certification: Certification in Reiki, Breath Coaching, and Akashic Record Reading not only enhances your personal journey but empowers you to guide others in profound ways. Share your wisdom and serve as a catalyst for transformation.

๐ŸŒˆ Multidimensional Balance and Ascension: Explore the alchemy of multidimensional balance, harmonizing energies across different planes. Ascend through the integration of spiritual practices, cultivating a heightened state of awareness and ascending to new realms.

โœจ Synthesis of Healing Modalities: Immerse yourself in the synthesis of various healing modalities, creating a holistic approach to ascension. The diverse toolkit, including Reiki, Breath Coaching, Akashic Record Reading, and more, ensures a comprehensive mastery of the healing arts.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Guidance Through the Akashic Records: Gain access to the Akashic Records to receive guidance, insights, and clarity on your journey. Utilize this ancient repository of knowledge to navigate challenges, understand soul lessons, and align with your soul's purpose.

๐ŸŒ  Soulful Mentorship Tailored to Ascension: Receive ongoing mentorship and guidance tailored to the ascension journey. Navigate the complexities of multidimensional existence with personalized support, ensuring a harmonious ascent.

๐ŸŒŸ Alignment with Higher Frequencies: Align with higher frequencies as you progress through this transformative two-year exploration. Each practice and teaching is designed to elevate your consciousness, connecting you with higher realms and your soul's divine essence.

๐ŸŒ  Community of Ascension Pioneers: Join a community of dedicated souls committed to ascension. Share experiences, support one another, and ascend within a community that understands the depth of your journey.

๐Ÿ”ฅ Personalized Ascension Blueprint: Craft a personalized ascension blueprint that aligns with your soul's journey. The teachings and practices offered contribute to the creation of a unique legacy, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

๐ŸŒ  Adapt and Brand Personalized Tools: All tools, resources, and techniques provided are adaptable for branding into your own unique offerings. As you master these modalities, you can share them with the world, creating a legacy that reflects your ascension.

Ascend to new heights, become a certified Reiki Practitioner, Breath Coach, and Akashic Record Reader, and embrace the transformative journey toward the pinnacle of your being.

Embark on this two-year cosmic exploration, attune to the frequencies of the Akashic Records, and become a cosmic channel, weaving the tapestry of your existence with the threads of cosmic consciousness


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