There are seven main chakras that run along your spine. They start at the root, or base, of your spine and extend to the crown of your head.
Crown Chakra
The Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara, is located at the top of your head.
Your Sahasrara represents your spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the universe. It also plays a role in your life’s purpose.
When the Crown Chakra is balanced, it brings feelings of serenity, joy, and deep peace about life.
Crown Chakra
The Crown Chakra is the seventh chakra in the human body. It’s connected to:
higher states of consciousness
non duality
universal awareness
The Crown Chakra represents our connection to Divine Source and a myriad of levels of consciousness for understanding the cosmic and universal nature of life and our multifaceted place within it.
We can access expanded levels of consciousness through the crown and immerse ourselves in a far greater comprehension of connectedness of the great web of life.
An imbalanced Crown Chakra may manifest as:
disconnection from spirit
subject-object consciousness
Crown Chakra Affirmations:
To activate the crown chakra, try the affirmations below.
I experience unity with all things.
I surrender myself to the divine.
I am aligned with the highest aspect of my being.
Divine light and love flow through me.
Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna, is located between your eyes.
You can thank this chakra for a strong gut instinct. That’s because the third eye is responsible for intuition. It’s also linked to imagination.
Some say that when open, the Third Eye Chakra can provide wisdom and insight, as well as deepen your spiritual connection.
Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra in the human body. It’s associated with:
spiritual knowledge
The Third Eye Chakra relates to inner and outer vision, intuition and the mystical aspects of nature and our physical relationship to the natural world. It is from here we can envision ideas and even sophisticated mental constructs to be materialized in the physical world.”
Shadow issues associated with the Third Eye Chakra include:
a lack of clarity and vision feeling stuck an inability to see the whole picture
disconnection from spiritual perceptions
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations:
Try these affirmations to enhance Third Eye Chakra energy:
I see my life’s purpose clearly.
I am connected to the spiritual world.
I am open to the truths of the universe.
I am connected to the divine within.
Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha, is located in your throat. This chakra has to do with our ability to communicate verbally.
A balanced Throat Chakra allows us to speak with both grace and also the strength of our convictions. The throat is also a center of higher creativity and the self-expression of our personal freedoms.
Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra in the human body. It’s linked with:
The Throat Chakra is, in part, about elegant speech used to create environments internally and externally. It’s about recognizing truth and finding clarity.
A balanced Throat Chakra allows us to speak with both grace and also the strength of our convictions.
The throat is also a center of higher creativity and the self-expression of our personal freedoms.
Negative aspects associated with the Throat Chakra include:
inability to speak your truth
telling lies
difficulty communicating
lack of purpose in life
lack of creative expression
Throat Chakra Affirmations:
A few affirmations for the throat chakra include:
I listen to my own inner knowing.
I speak my truth.
I let my voice be heard.
I trust my conviction and act on my truth.
I do no harm with my words.
I speak with authenticity, grace, and courage.
I express my creativity with ease and joy.
I listen to my own inner knowing.
I speak my truth.
I let my voice be heard.
I trust my conviction and act on my truth.
I do no harm with my words.
I speak with authenticity, grace, and courage.
I express my creativity with ease and joy.
Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is located near your heart, in the center of your chest. It comes as no surprise that the Heart Chakra is all about our ability to love and show compassion.
Our Heart Chakra connects us to all of humanity and kingdoms of life around us. They desire wholeness and harmony and… to connect in intimate loving relationships.
Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra in the human body. It’s associated with:
Our Heart Chakra connects us to all of humanity and kingdoms of life around us. They desire wholeness and harmony and… to connect in intimate loving relationships.
An imbalanced Heart Chakra may manifest as:
fear of intimacy
antisocial behaviorholding
guilt and shame
Heart chakra Affirmations:
Try these affirmations for opening the heart:
My heart is open to give and receive love.
I feel compassion for myself and others.
I am a conduit for love and peace.I am full of gratitude for my ability to love.
My heart is full of unconditional love for all beings.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura, is located in your stomach area. It’s responsible for confidence and self-esteem, as well as helping you feel in control of your life.
The Solar Plexus Chakra rules, in part, the mental body, including the ability to make decisions and act logically. It also houses personal power and is a protective source for self and others.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus is the third chakra in the human body. It’s said to influence:
personal powermental
mental abilities
self discipline
decision making
Shadow issues associated with an imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra include:
feelings of helplessnessan
unhealthy need to controlacting obsessively lacking clear direction low self-esteem
Solar Plexus Affirmations:
Try these affirmations for opening the Solar Plexus:
I am decisive.I make clear choices.I take healthy risks.I commit to my direction in life.I am open to possibilities.I am empowered to live my best life.
Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana, is located just below your belly button. This chakra is responsible for your sexual and creative energy. It’s also linked to how you relate to your emotions as well as the emotions of others.
The Sacral Chakra in part governs the flow of life, the emotional body and soul, and also the creative process.
Our sensuality and sexuality are also connected to this center, which desires authentic and intimate communion with another.
Sacral chakra
The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra in the human body. It’s linked to:
The Sacral Chakra in part governs the flow of life, the emotional body and soul, and also the creative process.
Our sensuality and sexuality are also connected to this center, which desires authentic and intimate communion with another.
A blocked or overactive sacral chakra may manifest as:
lack of sexual desire
feeling numb
Sacral Chakra Affirmations:
Some possible sacral chakra affirmations include:
I accept the flow of life.
I use my energy for creative expression.
I’m free to express my emotions in a healthy way.
I honor my sensual expression.
I am an empowered sexual being.
My creativity flows effortlessly.
Root Chakra
The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is located at the base of your spine. It provides you with a base or foundation for life, and it helps you feel grounded and able to withstand challenges. Your root chakra is responsible for your sense of security and stability.
Our Root Chakras represent our connection to the Earth, our bodies, our tribe or family of origin, and our communities.
How we care for our physical body and nourish our beings is directly related to this chakra. Our sense of feeling safe, secure, and financially stable are also connected to our roots.
The Root Chakra
The Root Chakra is the first chakra in the human body. It’s linked to:
Our Root Chakras represent our connection to the Earth, our bodies, our tribe or family of origin, and our communities.
How we care for our physical body and nourish our beings is directly related to this chakra. Our sense of feeling safe, secure, and financially stable are also connected to our roots.
Negative aspects, or shadow issues, associated with the root chakra include:
Root chakra Affirmations:
Some possible root chakra affirmations include:
I am healthy and vibrant.
I am deeply and safely connected to my body and the Earth.
I feel the ground firmly beneath my feet.
I honor the temple of my body with deep care and reverence.
I’m open to life’s opportunities.
I am committed to fulfilling my life’s purpose.
Balancing your chakras
Brings a wide range of potential benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Some of the potential benefits of balancing your chakras may include:
1. Improved physical health:
Balanced chakras can help to promote physical health and well-being, as each chakra is associated with specific physical organs, systems, and functions in the body. When the energy flow through these areas is balanced, it can promote healing, reduce physical pain, and improve overall physical health.
2. Reduced stress and anxiety:
Balancing your chakras can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional health. When your energy centers are balanced, it can help to calm the mind and reduce feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.
3. Improved mood and emotional stability:
Balanced chakras can help to promote emotional stability and balance, which can lead to improved mood and a greater sense of inner peace and well-being.
4. Increased spiritual awareness:
Balancing your chakras can help to deepen your spiritual awareness and connection to higher consciousness, leading to a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life.
5. Enhanced creativity and intuition:
Balanced chakras can also help to enhance creativity and intuition, as the chakras associated with these abilities are opened and energy flows more freely.
Overall, balancing your chakras can help to promote holistic health and well-being, supporting the integration of mind, body, and spirit in a way that fosters greater balance, harmony, and vitality.
What is my Earth Star Chakra and Soul Star Chakra?
These are my favorite chakras that no one talks about.
To me these two chakras are very important.
They have tremendous benefits to your soul's growth and connection to the higher self.
Earth Star Chakra
The Earth Star Chakra, also known as Sub-personal chakra and Super Root, is connected to Foot chakra.
It is located at the bottom of the feet approximately about 12-18 inches below the feet.
The Earth Star Chakra is the grounding point of the whole chakra system.
It is said that this chakra is the keeper of karmic cycles and past lives.
Also known to have re birthing of soul, supporting qualities and attributes associated with ego death, new beginnings, fresh start and out looks towards your current circumstances.
Soul Star Chakra
The soul star is our connection or gateway to the broader universe, the cosmos, or "all that there is."
It is the seat of our subconscious mind and it interplays with our dream space.
Due to its unique position, approx. 8 inches about your purple Crown Chakra.
The Soul Star Chakra is your connection to your "higher self." Your Higher Self is what some would
refer to as your "real self," "true self," "authentic self, " or some refer to it as you in the future.
The 5D you.
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